Frequently Asked Questions

Phone/video call consultation

Can my pet be prescribed medication (POV-M) following only an online video consultation?

If my pet is eldery and needs regular check-ups, can a phone/video consultation be used as an alternative to the physical vet examination?

How long does a phone/video consultation with a vet last?

Do I need to pay the full home visit consultation fee, if I just paid for a video consultation?

Do I need to pay at the time of booking for my phone or video consultation? If so, how should I make the payment?

Can I book a specific time for my appointment?

If I book an appointment, will I be called back on the same day?

If i do have an emergecy, can I contact you directly?

But If I have my eldery/ill pet deteriorating very fast ?

What equipment do I need for a video consultation?

Home vet visit

What is the duration of a home veterinary examination?

Who is going to come for a home vet visit to examine my pet?

If my pet is not friendly, should I inform someone before the appointment?

What happens if during a home visit I decide it’s time to say goodbye to my pet?

Can I receive prescribed POM-V medication for my pet?

Are you able to visit multiple pets during a home veterinary visit?

What happens if my pet requires a palliative care plan?

What are end-of-life and palliative care assessment ?

Peaceful Home Pet Euthanasia

What is the best way to reach you if I decide to proceed with euthanasia for my pet?

How is the home euthanasia process carried out?

What should I do if my pet's condition is rapidly worsening?

What should I do if my pet passes away while the vet is on the way to our home?

Can I choose to be absent when my pet is put to sleep?

After Care

How long will it take to bring my pet back home?

If I require more time with my pet after euthanasia, can I still arrange for you to take it for cremation?

Will you take my pet directly to the crematorium?

If my pet passes away at home, what steps should I take if I still wish to have them cremated?

What cremation options are available to me?